W6IFE San Bernardino Microwave Society Newsletter
W6IFE Newsletter

President Dick Bremer, WB6DNX 1664 Holly St. Brea, CA 92621--714-529-2800 --rabremer@juno.com

VP Ken Halford, WB6DTA 2901 Joaquin Dr. Burbank, CA 91504 --818-848-9059

Recording Sec Dick Kolbly K6HIJ 26335 Community Barstow, CA 92311--760-253-2477 --rkolbly@compuserve.com

Corresponding Sec Larry Johnston, K6HLH 16611 E. Valeport Ave Lancaster, CA --805-264- 4110 --ljohns@qnet.com

Treasurer Dick Kolbly K6HIJ 26335 Community Barstow, CA 92311 --760-253-2477 --rkolbly@compuserve.com

Editor Bill Burns WA6QYR 247 Rebel Rd Ridgecrest, CA 93555 760-375-8566--bburns@ridgecrest.ca.us

ARRL Interface Frank Kelly WB6CWN 1111 Rancho Conejo Blvd. #501 Newbury Park, CA 91320 --805-499-8047--fk@event1.com

FCC Interface Dave Laag K6OW 11614 Indian St. Moreno Valley, CA 92557 --909-924-1517

W6IFE License Trustee Ed Munn W6OYJ 6255 Radcliffe Dr. San Diego, CA--92122 619-453-4563--edmunn@compuserve.com

The 5 November 1998 meeting of the SBMS will have Kerry Banke, N6IZW of the San Diego Microwave Group bring and talk about his Loran-based precision frequency reference and comparator that provides 10-12 type stability . It provides a direct reading comparator display, and is capable of accepting10.0 Mhz, 5.0 MHz, or 1.0 Mhz inputs from external frequency references.You may wish to bring your counter or other shop frequency standard to see how you compare. It helps to be on the same frequency when in the field. Hi. Kerry will also discuss progress in his recent efforts to modify some of the Qualcomm hardware for narrowband 24 GHz operation. The SBMS meets at the American Legion Hall 1024 Main Street (south of the 91 freeway in Corona, CA at 1930 hours local time on the first Thursday of each month..

Last Meeting- Doug, K6JEY had a hands on tech talk /demonstration of spectrum analyzers. There were 6 different spectrum analyzers brought in and people got to play with the knobs under the guidance of Doug. Doug explained about the spectrum analyzer being like an oscilloscope and a receiver being merged, but that the trace sweep was tied to the LO of the receiver to move across a bandwidth. The IF bandwidth of the receiver was variable using the knobs on the front panel. Preamps and filters in the front-end of the spectrum analyzer are sometimes necessary to increase the capability of the measurement tool. Several off the air signals were viewed as well as some HT generated signals. Thanks Doug for providing a educational event. Paul de Jonckheere, WB6GHK of Riverside visited the meeting, Welcome. Gary Belda, K6ENS, is a new SBMS member. Glad to have you Gary. Ed, W6OYJ had a modified Qualcomm RF Synthesizer board operating on 1152 MHz for use as a frequency marker on bands through 10 GHz to show. Apparently more boards will be available via Chuck, WA6IGP of the San Diego Microwave Group. Chuck can be contacted at 619.460.7266 or clhough@pacbell.net. 20 people present.

Wants and gots for Sale

Wanted- differential xmtr/rcvr synchro, Chuck, WA6EXV 760-377-4972 or chuckswed@juno.com.

Wanted- WR-42 waveguide switch, Dave, WA6CGR 909-612-5888

Wanted- HP8551 spectrum analyzer tracking filter-Bill WA6QYR 760-375-8566, bburns@ridgenet.net

For Sale- 2 MA/COM 10 GHz osc bricks and tx&rx mixers , $30 per brick Dick, WB6DNX 714-529-2800

For Sale- 4 late model scopes, carts, accessories, reasonable offer, Eric

For Sale- Kenwood TH-21AT small 2 mtr handheld (5"x2.5"x1.2") 150mw lo pwr, 1.7w hi pwr, wall charger, DC-21 car pwr supply-$75; Honeywell Rediline motor-gen 12v in 120vac 60 Hz sine out 500w $90. Bill WA6QYR 760-375-8566 bburns@ridgenet.net.

AB6SM Estate Sale- for Sale: All items are in very good condition. ICOM 03at 220 HT $170; ICOM IC-V21at 2m/220 HT $320; Radio Shack HT-404 440 HT $100; Kenwood TM-742a 2m/440 with 220 module, CTCSS unit, Comet triplexer and DIA 2m/220/440 mobile ant $650; Kenwood TM-241a 2m $250; Kenwood TM-27a 2m HT $150; Bencher BY-1 paddle keyer $55; MFJ-971 portable HF tuner $65; Cushcraft R-7000 40-10m 7-band vert ant (new) $260; William's 3 element 20 m beam $90; High-Gain CD-45-II ant rotor $125; Astron RS-7a pwr supply make offer; Uniden Bearcat BC200xlt $125. Contact Barbara at 562-921-3202 or 5217. FOR SALE (1) Drake L7AM, SerNo 147, HF 1kW, linear power amplifier, 160-10 mtrs (no WARC bands), xlnt cond, with (2) Drake L7PS, SerNo 204, companion power supply, xlnt cond, in/out cables attached, manual, orig invoice, 220 vac plug & receptacle $900; (21) KLM 2M-2N 144-148 MHz, air dielectric, pwr divider, New In Box, N connectors $75; (23) Alliance HD-73, SerNo 4807, 2 speed antenna rotator and control box, 11 sq. ft. xlnt cond, mast mount, manual, invoice $150; (24) Alliance HD-73, SerNo 24680X, 2 speed antenna rotator and control box, 11 sq. ft. xlnt cond, mast mount, manual, cy of invoice $150; (28) Micronta 22-119 LCD digital multimeter, xlnt cond, test leads, manual, orig box $10; (30) Pace P5403A, citizens band, SWR/Watt meter, xlnt cond, 5 Watt dummy load, instructions $5 Contact: Elvy Hopkins NØLV, 760-384-3589 (after 10 AM Pacific time), e-mail ehopkins@ridgenet. PICK UP of equipment in Ridgecrest, Calif. is PREFERRED. Crating, packing and shipping will be paid by buyer. All equipment will be sold AS IS. NO RETURNS. NO REFUNDS. All equipment has been well cared for and shows no abuse. All equipment worked when last used five years ago. (We disassembled the ham shack for this sale.) All of this equipment belongs to an incapacitated amateur radio operator. Sale will help finance medical expenses. "Eleanor Besancon" is payee for all monetary transfers. 16 Oct. 98


3 Dec. meeting tech talk- Dick, K6HIJ on a topic tbd.

7 Jan. 99 meeting tech talk TBD

4 Feb. meeting tech talk TBD.

Activity reported at the 1 Oct. SBMS meeting- Dick, WB6DNX had a good time in the contest with several contacts to Jack, N6XQ and Robin WA6CDR in DM11pr; Chuck, WA6EXV did the contest from Heaps Pk DM14KF but poor propagation; Bill, WA6QYR roved on the second weekend in the Central CA valley with the help of Mel, WA6JBD; Dave, WA6CGR had a great 2nd half (73 Q's-27 calls-492 km-12k points) with 24 GHz narrowband 160 miles and is putting up a 24 GHz 70 mw beacon on 24,192.0 MHz; Bob, K6ITU is nearly done with his 10 GHz rig; Ed, W6OYJ visited many places during the contest (70 Q's-29 calls-251 km-8k points); Mel, WA6JBD had 24 GHz contacts on fist weekend and roved with Bill on 2nd weekend and has a new IF radio for his 24 GHz rig; Doug, K6JEY visited several sites and collected 8k points; robin, WA6CDR had a good time in Mexico even with very poor propagation (65 Q's-24 calls-17k points); Gary, K6ENS had a good time in his 1st contest on Heaps and signal hill (47 q's-16 calls-6k points); Joe, WA6PAZ was on Pacifico and Frazier with lots of contacts; Eric, KD6GLP made one contact with his new 10 GHz NBFM rig and had some interesting adventures; Jim, K6ML had a couple of 10 GHz WBFM contacts and did some 7 mm experiments; N6LL reported 6k points in the contest.

More 10 GHz contest comments-- I had a great time! I was using WA6CGR's spare narrow-band 10-GHz station on Sunday - August 16th and again on the September weekend. Saturday was spent on Heaps Peak with Chuck - WA6EXV, and Sunday I was roaming between Signal Hill (near Long Beach), San Pedro Harbor (see article below) and the West-end of the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Palos Verdes Estates. While at San Pedro Harbor...I selected the Los Angeles Harbor Exchange Office parking lot - a favorite overlook area of mine - that's located above and due North of the Korean Freedom Bell exhibit off of Gaffey Street in San Pedro. This facility is operated much like an aircraft control tower - where these experienced LA Harbor Port Pilot's orchestrate the passage of large container and cruise ships in and out of the LA Maritime Complex. From the time I arrived in their parking lot... popping the rear hatch of the Cherokee - setting-up the tripod, mounting the 30" parabolic dish and securing WA6CGR's spare 10-GHz station atop the tripod mounting plate consumed ~ 10 minutes effort and I was on the air making the first of many contacts from this beautiful vantage point! I must have peaked the interest of one of the US Coast Guardsmen stationed at this site... for he came out to where I had assembled this station and politely inquired '... some of us were wondering - just what are you doing...?'I proceeded to explain that I was an Amateur Radio Operator... talking with a unique group of 'Hams' who were actively involved with making as many contacts as possible within a specified period of time. Being a radiomen... he understood the concept of the Amateur 'Field Day'... and further offered '... isn't it a little late in the year for that?' I then explained that this contest was unique in that it was for contacts made at 10-GHz and up. 'Ooh, he said. That explains the microwave dish!' Right!... I exclaimed. He then overheard the call signs of both XE2/N6XQ and XE2/WA6CDR coming from the radio. He knew the XE2 prefix was Mexico... and by noting the azimuth the dish was oriented... (my lensatic compass was on the ground - underneath the tripod) furthered his curiosity. As Jack (XE2/N6XQ) and Robin (XE2/WA6CDR) repeated their call signs and grid identifiers - for dramatic-effect - I started to pan the little dish. Ever so slowly - first in azimuth then in elevation, began dipping then peaking the signal strength. I pointed to the laptop PC showing the 'To' and 'From' grids and the bearing/mileage between these locations, including an Aeronautical Sectional Chart showing the relative positions of each of our 10-GHz stations. The 'Coastie' was last seen walking back to his office... shaking his head and was heard muttering something about '... unbelievable!' -Gary Belda/K6ENS (First-time 10-GHz contester!)

Al Johnson indicated that his email address has changed to k6ljm@inreach.com.

Chuck Swedblom now has an email address at chuckswed@juno.com.

Doug, K6JEY with his spectrum analyzer

73's Bill

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