W6IFE Newsletter

President David Laag 11614 Indian St. Moreno Valley CA 92557 909-924-1517
Editor Bill Burns WA6QYR 247 Rebel Rd Ridgecrest, CA 93555 619-375-8566
Treasurer George Tillitson PO Box 974 Wrightwood, CA 92397 619-249-6622
The 4 January 1996 meeting will have you bring your favorite "tech book" in to do a
show and tell about everyone's book. SBMS continues to meet at the American Legion
Hall 1024 Main Street Corona CA at 1930 hours local time. Bring ideas for things
that the SBMS should work on in '96 and any thoughts for rule changes in the 10 Ghz
contest. Hope you and yours had  Happy Holidays.
Last meeting had Phil ,W6HCC talk about his 3 band (2.4, 3.4, and 5.7 Ghz) rig. It
has 3 microwave bricks and two crystal oscillators (100 and 8 Mhz) mixed to form the
LO for each band. It has unique plug-in filters to select which band it is on.
Unique design, Phil- thanks for sharing. Bill, WA6QYR brought in his first 10 Ghz 
gunnplexer rig to show and tell. It has one of the original 6 mw MA/COM gunnplexers
(1978 vintage). The 30 Mhz IF control circuits are similar to those in previous
months newsletter allowing for relative or crystal lock of the gunn.  This is like
the old tube rockloc rigs of the past. The boomerang and wavemeter test equipment
were shown as items one might want to check that the rig was working and to adjust
frequency on to the contact being planned. Thanks Bill. Chip, N6CA brought in the
Small Inductor winding information enclosed from some 20 years ago. It was
originally written by Dauph at TRW from measurements done on number 24 wire wound on
various drill bit sizes to produce coils of known inductance. Chip has used it a lot
in the past years. Thanks for sharing it Chip. Another piece of equipment brought in
and passed around was a Down East Microwave weak signal source build from kit and
boxed by Bill, WA6QYR. It puts out some 10 mw on 1152 Mhz with harmonics useable to
10 Ghz. 33 people present.
Visitors - Matt Mendenhall, KE6ALM of Norwalk, Aaron Tracey, KD6UUN, David Mulvey,
KD6BZN and Carl, K6RLP all of Lancaster, and Jim Harrison, KE6YUM of Cypress.
Welcome all!
The Amateur Radio microwave sessions at the June 96 International Microwave
Engineering Symposium in San Francisco, CA sponsored by IEEE Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society has been canceled according to Jeffrey Pawlan WA6KBL.
20-22 Jan VHF Sweepstakes
1 Feb. Joe WA6PAZ Primer on Gunnplexers.
24 Feb. SBMS Dinner Cask and Cleaver in Upland 6:30 meet, 7:30 eat.
7 Mar. Chuck WA6EXV transmission lines and the Smith Chart revised.
4 Apr. Wideband FM 10 Ghz tune up party for those with gear ready to try.
2 May Dave WA6OWD microwave Cables
11 May 1296/2304 Mhz Spring Sprint
8-10 June VHF QSO Party
3-4 Aug. UHF Contest
17-18 Aug. 10 Ghz Cumulative Contest 1st half
14-16 Sept. VHF QSO Party
21-22 Sept. 10 Ghz Cumulative Contest 2nd half
11-13 Oct. SW Div. Convention Mesa AZ
xx Oct. Pacific Div. Pacificon '96 Concord CA
Dave, WA6CGR is working on an "Internet reflector" to get information around the
group and others interested in microwave and are in the Internet.
Dave, WA6OWD is looking for inputs to the SBMS about things which happened in 1995.
The Northern California group is to have a meeting December 9 about organizing the
activity there.
The Inland Empire Council of Amateur Radio Organizations [of which SBMS is a part]
under the lead of Jerry Verduff, AD0A is working to get the ARRL SW Div. convention
moved to Riverside.
The SBMS move to a new meeting place is still looking for a "home". Several sites
have been visited.
Bring your plans for the January Contest to the meeting along with thoughts on
liaison frequency.
Jack, N6XQ has a new email address- jack@sisna.com.
 "Wants and Gots for Sale" 
Wanted 24 Ghz mixer and 3 ft dish Dick Bremer /WB6DNX 714-529-2800
Wanted Manual for Alfred 504 TWTA Al KF6YM 909-867-7511
Wanted 9 pin HP Chips for 8481A power head. Manuals and/or schematics for Farinon 2
Ghz SS-2000 Transmitter/ receiver Mike KO6S 909-981-3796
Wanted 3 GHz and 5 Ghz circulator- 3 port- sma connectors Phil W6HCC 909-845-6267.
Information is wanted on a Tandy 600 laptop type computer by Bill WA6QYR 619-375-8566.
Gots for the cost of shipping, the San Diego Microwave Group has a collection of new
tubes for older test equipment. Every thing from Acorns and pencil tubes to small
coaxial ceramic- Kerry Banke N6IZW 619-658-3318 or kbanke@qualcomm.com.
  Activity Report from San Diego Microwave Group for 12/12/95 by Ed, W6OYJ
Art KC6UQH and Ray N6RE are getting equipment ready to do a 2-way 10 Ghz ATV QSO from
San Marcos (SD County)  to Palos Verdes, about 80 miles. They previously made it one-
way over this path.
Jim NE6O is working on his power supply and oscillator for 10 GHz.
Chuck, WB6IGP has been reviewing a copy of the December issue of the Japanese
magazine "Ham Radio". An article by Goro Obikata JA1EPK shows innovative modification
approaches of the Qualcom xcvr. Text is Japanese  but excellent pictures are in
Ed, W6OYJ reported that Jack, N6XQ indicates the orders for the Chaparral antenna
feeds may come out closer to $16 and $20 each. [ed. note see enclosed article from
Dec. Pack Rats Cheese Bits].
Tony, KC6QHP will be working on a digital video project using ethernet modems, during
his December school vacation.
Kerry, N6IZW reminded the group of our December 18 Christmas meeting at his house,
and to bring microwave white elephants (wrapped for mystery) to exchange. Kerry has
been modifying three Qualcomm xcvr main boards and plans a trip with Jerry, WA6VLF to
do some work on the mountain top X-band signal booster/repeater.
SBMS Activity Report of 12/7/95 
Ken WB6DTA was on 2 mtr from DM23.
Gordon, WB6YLI reported flat conditions working UK to France on 10 GHz.
Chip, N6CA brought in the coil data.
Ed, K6ODV nothing to report.
Stuart, K6YAZ has his 1200 Mhz antenna back up.
Eric, KD6GLP has his 10 Ghz wideband up.
Jeff KN6VR has been doing some tower work.
Lloyd, AB6SM is working on his 10 Ghz radio.
Matt, KE6ALM is interested in microwave activity.
Bob, W6SYA is working on some 1.2 Ghz ATV.
Jim, WB2ODH/6 has been cleaning the shack.
Ed, W6OYJ reported working on a 5 Mhz TXO for the Qualcom 10 Ghz rig. A number of San
Diego group are looking to work home to home. The group has written ARRL to get some
kind of ruling on what their 10 Ghz signal amplifier/repeater is since its input and
out put are on same frequency. Jack, N6XQ has a source of the scalar "Chaparral" feed
that works good on 10368 Mhz. Just needs a screw in the waveguide to tune it on 
frequency. $20 ship and handling with instructions.
George, K6GMV- nothing to report.
Al, KF6YM has finished the 2.3 Ghz video link at the San Bernardino end.
Joe, WA6PAZ- nothing to report.
Larry, K6HLH- no activity.
Aaron, KD6UUN and David KD6BZN just visiting.
Dale K0BGL - no activity.
Carl, K6RLP- just visiting.
Jim, K6ML- has a spectrum analyzer working and built and tested some filters.
Mike, KO6S found some 10 Ghz sources and is building some solar panels to power
preamps at tower tops.
George, K6MBL- no activity.
Dave, WB6OVZ - no activity.
Dick, WB6DNX has some reprint of gunnplexer articles from many sources for $5.00.
Gene, WA6YOJ is cleaning garage.
Chuck, WA6EXV has worked some more grids with W6HCC on 2.3/3.4/5.7 Ghz. bringing
their total to 10 grids on those bands. They have 38 grids on 10 Ghz. Tested WB6DNX's
GPS antenna build from QST article.
Phil, W6HCC worked more grids with WA6EXV and working on new rig for 2.3, 3.4 and 5.7
Bill, WA6QYR brought in his Down East Microwave weak signal source to show.
Dave, WA6OWD has been working on some commercial 6 Ghz equipment.
Jim, KE6YUM has a gunnplexer running.
73's                           Bill

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